Wednesday 6 August 2014


You will wonder why. But my beloved, we are in the Era of freedom of everything. God did not take permission from anyone before he does whatever anything.. That is why i am happy to tell you that God created, appointed and anointed his own to rule at certain appointed time.
God is highly interested in the affairs of men. No man mounts an authority position without his knowledge and approval. He is responsible in establishing any power that be. Little can anyone do except approved by him.
President Goodluck Jonathan captures my love through his calculated Humility, simplicity, open heartedness, transparency and the ability to listen with adept focus. This trying period perpetrated by BOKO HARAM Guerrilla war is just the exact ACID TEST from the most High of the ability of Goodluck Jonathan to show that He is an indiscriminate, impartial and untribalistic ruler.Another person should have executed a fatal and unscrupulous action against the opposition. Jonathan showed maturity, though the situation demands some bitter revenge. But took his calm like a father of many diverse ethnic groups, who disposes his judgements with absolute care without any fear or favour.
The wicked ones because of power and anticipation for the opportunity to access and grab and dry the national resources, prefers to waste innocent lives and shed innocent blood. Boko Haram is simply an expression of killing to rule by all means. They purposed to make the country ungovernable just to intimidate a wiser and and humble ruler. Intellectually, Goodluck Jonathan highly positioned and possesses the tools for expert transformation of the countries numerous situations. PLEASE FOLLOW US ON THIS FOR MORE

In continuation of the last episode. That President Jonathan should continue for the next term does not actually mean that there are no other intellectuals or God ordained or potential personalities that can steer the boat of this nation. But the fact remains that the trouble at hand requires great caution for us to obtain the right result.
Boko haram is definitely a big threat to the territorial integrity of our nation and Africa at large. It is simply financed and encouraged by the enemies of Nigeria. If any one ascribes the insurgency to any religion is a misnomer. Any religion  that preaches death on non-members is Satanic. Violence is the hand work of Satan. Therefore any religion that supports violence to humanity is the hand work of Satan.
The world is presently experiencing violence in all the Nations perpetrated by the so called Islamic Jihadists, but yet Many Muslims denounce them. If it is good enough according to what the religion stands for there wouldn’t be any denial of association with them. I have never one time heard that any Christian group anywhere resorts to violence for anything. Instead they preach the gospel of peace to those who care to listen, and keep away from those who reject it. Muslims all over the world should rise up to the task and say no to those who drag the name of their God in the mud in the name of Jihad. Are they pulling the world a thousand years back again?
This is why I am interested in Our dear President to continue and finish his term because I can see that God calls him to rule us at this very crucial period. If God assigns him to rule he will give him the wisdom to perfect it.BASIC   TILL WE MEET AGAIN ON THIS PAGE

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